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Showing posts from November, 2021

F-100D -Tuy Hoa (Trumpeter 1/48)

Hello, This is my last project, the F-100D piloted by Capt Allen Lewis and based at Tuy Hoa, Viêt Nam, circa 1969-70, with the classic “Snake and Nape” configuration. I am a big fan of the type and era, so I was quite motivated by this build. This is the very enjoyable to build 1/48 kit from Trumpeter with many modifications I made myself especially in the cockpit, canopy frame, landing gear bays & legs, extended 335 gal. fuel tanks, modified pylons, new refuelling probe made from brass, refuelling light and much more. I also used some aftermarket goodies such as a correct nose (Renaissance), tyres (ResKit, the one of the kits are horrible), exhaust and seat from Aires, pitot from Master, Eduard’s Mk82 and BLU-27, and a nice but fragile ladder from LP Models. Decals are from Caracal. I hope that you like it as much as I enjoyed this project. Antoine And because you are some lucky buggers, here are some work in progress pics. Like on the real thing, I extended the 275 gal. tanks i