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Showing posts from January, 2020

Arado 196 A-5 - Italeri 1/48

Hi, This is the very pleasant to build (and underrated) Italeri kit. Everything comes from the box except for the very efficient dual barrel MG81Z specific to the A-5 version, handmade seat belts and other details. The top RLM73 comes from the Real Color range. Quite a good range but it stinks and I find it maybe more fragile than the Gunze range. Thanks heaps for looking ! Antoine End of build: Sept. 2019

Ta-152H - Zoukei-Mura 1/48

Hello, Built basically out of the box, with minimal additions such as HGW seatbelts, thinned IP bezels and a few other fixes. The model is quite nice to build, and I even played the game of building and painting the inside: so mcuh fun ! However, adjustement of the engine cowling is a real pain... same as with its 1/32 brother. Also, it seems that some slight surgery is needed to close the canopy. Decals of my box were out of register and replaced by a reference from EagleCals, despite a slightly over-scaled swastika and colors too flashy to my taste. At the end, a fun build but I dont feel that the 60 Euros tag price is justified... Antoine Green 3, piloted by Josef KEIL