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Showing posts from September, 2011

EKW C-36 Walkaround

Another walkaround of one of my favourite plane: the Swiss EKW C-36. This one is also exposed at the Dubendorf aviation museum, near Zurich. Enjoy. Below, 2 pictures of the 1000 HP Hispano-Suiza 12 Y-51, that equipped the C-3603, but also the M.S. 406 1,245 hp Saurer YS-2 (a more powerful Swiss development of the Hispano-Suiza 12Y-51) , that equipped the C-3604:

D-3801 Morane Saulnier MS 406 Walkaround

After the Bf-109 , here is a short walkaround of the Adolph Saurer AG license-built D-3801 Morane Saulnier MS-406 also exposed at the Swiss Airforce museum at Dubendorf (Switzerland). One advice, if you go in Switzerland say D-3801, not M.S. 406 or you will have to handle a diplomatic issue  - n'est ce pas Gérard :) Below are a few pictures of the cockpit taken through the windows ... And finally, some pictures of the engine, a Hispano Suiza HS-51 12Y