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Junkers F.13 - MiniArt 1/48

Not my best build, but I call it done. The kit is fantastic and the fit is great. Better than Eduard, in my opinion. The first one telling me these are Swiss markings is grounded for 1 week ! These are the marking of the Danziger Luftpost (aerial post of Danzig)       x    
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Fiat G50B - Special Hobby 1/32

 Hi, After my build of the Macchi 205 - the most gorgeous aircraft of WW2 in my opinion - here I am on the other side of the spectrum with probably the ugliest Italian aircraft: the Fiat G50 in its two-seater version. The SH kit is a joy to build despite its short-run nature. However, the position of the front seat needs to be moved otherwise the fuselage halves cannot be joined together. BTW , the cockpit is supposed to be painted in light gray, not green.... Riveting was done with the help of Rosie. Camo was a joy to paint, for which I used the MRP range. Paint chipping was done with hairspray (much cheaper than those 'chipping fluids'...)          

Star Wars AT-ST - Bandai 1/48

This is a present for a friend of mine, fan of Star Wars. The AT-ST kit from Bandai was a real pleasure to build. Engineering and fit is perfect. First time experimenting with colour modulation. I kept the weathering to a minimum.

Macchi 205 - Hasegawa 1/48

   This is the Hasegawa kit with the excellent SBS cockpit, wheel bays from Eduard (not so fun to build for some reason), Quickboost resin exhausts (this manufacturer sales corrected and uncorrected pipes, so watch out for the correct reference) and some PE bits. I made some non-exhaustive mods, notably scribing correct access panels around the engine cowling & fuselage. I did not bother fixing the shapes of the ammo panels though. Marking comes from a Stormo decal sheet completed with Silhouette masking.  Paint is a mix of Gunze & MRP references: H310, MRP-302 & MRP-303.      

Lockheed P-38J 'Arkansas Traveler' - Tamiya - 1/48

  A straight-forward and very enjoyable build. Finished in August 2023    

North American F-82 G Twin Mustang - Modelsvit - 1/48

Finished beginning of 2023

Hawker Tempest Mk II - Special Hobby - 1/48 - Pakistanese Air Force

This my latest build, made from the Special Hobby and the Eduard boxings. Why 2 kits ? Simply because I screwed up part of the first build and, because I never give up and like the type,  decided to carry on the build and bought another kit ... Pretty good kit, despite some minor inaccuracies with the engraving under the fuselage. I was not fond of the decals as colors are not always well aligned - especially for the stencils. I did peel off the varnish top layer on the decals to get that "painted on" look. This has to be done gently otherwise you might end up tearing off the paint as well. Color scheme is from the Pakistanese Air Force.